Yorkshire Contract Bridge Association

The YCBA promotes, manages and supports EBU affiliated
competitive bridge play in our county.

Advanced Seminars

  • By Jim Edwards
  • 24th April 2023

New series of Monthly Advanced Bridge Seminars

Starting Saturday 27th May 2023

Seminar 1: Partnership Bridge

With Michael Byrne

Come and take part in our NEW, INTERACTIVE bridge workshops, aimed at those playing at a higher level within clubs but can be enjoyed and appreciated by anyone wishing to meet and learn more from nationally renowned players.

This first session is being run by England international Michael Byrne, a professional teacher and coach and current member of the England open team. He will be looking at all aspects of partnership bridge, including ways to improve your partnership defence, slam bidding, competitive bidding and constructive bidding. 

You will learn why international players get tricky situations right at times when normal players often get them wrong and learn techniques not covered in the normal textbooks.

VENUE:                           The York Bridge Club, The Green, Acomb YO26 5FG

(Use google maps or what three words (///editor.bunch.shave) to find the entrance just off The Green, Acomb.)


10.30 amArrival and registration.
11.00 am to 1.00 pm      Session 1
1.00 pm to 2.00 pm    Light lunch provided
2.00 pm to 3.30 pm    Sessions 2 & 3
3.30 pm to 4.30 pmPlaying hands
4.30 pm to 5.00 pm    Post mortem 


COSTS:                           £30 inc VAT per person including refreshments and a light lunch

Please pay by bank transfer to:  

The York Bridge Club, Barclays Bank plc, 20-99-56.  Account number 70633186

Please quote your Surname, Initial and ADV1 as a reference.

Read more about Michael’s bridge career on his EBU profile:  Michael Byrne | English Bridge Union (ebu.co.uk)
He is a Bermuda Bowl Quarter Finalist and England’s number 1 ranked player.  

BOOKING:                     To reserve your place, please email sgregory@theyorkbridgeclub.com including any dietary requirements (e.g. vegan/GF) where appropriate.

Please include advanced seminar in the subject line.

Last date for bookings Thursday 25th May.

click here for the flyer

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